Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Leaving on a jet plane
See y'all soon.
Monday, June 22, 2009
My time is up
Next blog will be from Texas,
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Abigail!!!
Other stuff - Several of us have 'Dehli belly' - just an upset tummy, headache etc. We've been drinking filtered water so not sure what we came in contact with. Pray for fast healing.
I'm presenting today so I've got to go study my notes. Love to all - miss you very much. Kevin and Hutch went to Angel Fire to do work for a client - LOL - pray for them as well! :)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Squatty Potty
Teacher Academy going well
Miscellaneous stuff - Every da

I brought several of my books to give away as door prizes. However, the magnetic letters are in higher demand than my book. ha ha! The teachers here have so few supplies that they see the letters and their eyes light up. They can't believe we are giving this stuff away.
Tonight the international interpreter that is helping us came to dinner at the flat and he brought his family - a wife and two little boys - the boys are absolutely adorable!
I'm sorry I haven't posted any pictures - computer time is precious here as all 16 people here are wanting time on the computers. I will post pics when I get home or later if I get time alone.
Thanks for listening,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Teacher Academy
We started the teacher academy yesterday. The teachers are so friendly and eager to learn. They have so much to learn. All they know how to teach is rote learning. Their class sizes are unreasonable. They will have as many as 50 prek+ !!!! and only one teacher. How in the world are they expected to teach under those circumstances and yet they are so willing to learn more to make themselves better. Amazing. It is only the second day of class and already we are having so much fun building relationships with these teacher friends/collegues. I don't know why it amazes me but teachers everywhere struggle with the same problems. A funny spot was when we introduced ourselves I said I have a husband and a dog at home who are missing me very much. That the dog had taken over my side of the bed. Then the teachers got to ask us questions. One guy started saying something about our cultures - he was talking in a mean kind of voice - I thought he was mad - then he said he wanted to know why our cultures are so very different that in HIS country the dogs are outside (there are literally thousands if not millions of stray dogs here - and they are all the same breed of dog!!!) and in America the dog sleeps in the bed with you!!! It was funny! we all had a good laugh at my expense. We have a tea break every day - chai tea - I would love to adopt that custom in America. We eat lunch on a concrete slab - just like in slumdog millionaire. These two times as well as the group time during the day have allowed us to build relationships. I personally have latched onto a special group of 5 indian men that are just precious. Their english is very limited. very. so when they were asked to do group work, they were at a loss b/c they have such limited english to begin with they weren't sure what to do etc. So I took it upon myself to sit with them whenever they are asked to do group work - by the second time, they had my chair waiting for me! :) By the third time the group next to us had turned their chairs to join us. :) It is so weird. It's almost like we are celebrities :) The 5 men have come from a long ways away - a village away from Delhi. They are sleeping in the school. They toured with us the day we went to the Taj so I already had some connection with them. On the way to and from the Taj we played some games on the bus etc so I could tell at that time that their english was limited. I'm not sure why they got to go to the Taj with us ... I think they know the interpreter that is working with our friends that live here in Delhi, but I'm not sure. The teachers at the Academy all teach at Christian schools which is nice. We sing Christian songs, we pray together - it's wonderful. They openly talk about their faith. Pray that we can help them find a way to teach in a new, loving way for the children here and for them to show God's love in their school. Love and miss all of you, Jane
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Taj Mahal

Tomorrow we finally start the teacher academy. We are to build relationships with these fellow teachers and help teach them new techniques. Thanks for "remembering" us daily in your thoughts.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Ancient ruins

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Baptised into Indian culture

Thursday, June 4, 2009
The call
The task in India is going to be tourism - which will be exciting, scary and eye opening all rolled into one. But as a teacher I am interested in the school system and how it operates. I hope to be able to visit with teachers and their children.
This will be the first time I have been away from home for so long and I'm naturally fearful of that. Being among friends and staying active in my tasks will also help keep my mind off of missing my loved ones - and probably keep me too exhausted to ponder thoughts of home. This will be a 'first' in that I have never been in a foreign country much less a third world country. I must confess, I am fearful of the unknown.
Tomorrow is a big preparation day for me - packing... going to the bank.... checking and double checking my lists!